
Pandan Bay Institute Alumni Night, Tugbong Festival 2010 Photos

The Pandan Bay Institute Alumni Night during the Tugbong Festival 2010 was held at the Pandan Community Plaza at the Liberman Covered Court on April 23, 2010.

It was another night of fun and dance for Pandananons meeting their former high school classmates and friends. Former elementary classmates from Pandan Central School and even from other schools were also welcomed to join their friends.

Photos were taken by Sofie Hofmann ( in Pandan, Antique, Philippines at the Pandan Bay Institute Alumni Night on April 23, 2010 during the Tugbong Festival 2010.

Just a note, the photos are not really that good as I used a point and shoot digital camera when I took them, and most of the time using the zoom lens as I did not like getting near the people and bothering the people who were such having fun.

Events,Photos | Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 11:08 pm by